The Bible is an epic five-week, 10 hour television miniseriespremiering March 3, 2013 on the History Channel from Emmy Award winning husband and wife team, Mark Burnett and Roma Downey. For two hours each Sunday night millions of viewers will see the Bible from Genesis to Revelation come to life in a way never before seen. The final episode of the series will air on Easter Sunday and will feature the death and resurrection of Jesus.
Episode 10 - Courage
9:00 PM March 31, 2013 - 10:00 PM March 31, 2013
Peter finally understands Jesus' message, and his faith is rewarded- Jesus returns from death, commissioning the disciples to 'go and preach to all creation'. Days later, in Jerusalem during Pentecost and with wavering faith, the disciples pray fervently and the Holy Spirit empowers them. Their godly mission begins, but it will entail a constant battle of hatred and violence from non-believers. When new follower Stephen speaks out against Paul of Tarsus he is stoned to death. Paul, whose belief in Jewish law has led him to despise the teachings of Jesus, is enlisted by Caiaphas to remove this new group. He starts beating them into silence. But on a journey to Damascus where he believes they have gone, he is met by a vision: he sees Jesus, and is instantly blinded. In an extraordinary change of faith, Paul is baptized and begins to preach passionately about what he has received - love and forgiveness for all. He meets a young Greek called Luke, and between them they go on to write most of the New Testament. But persecution still persists-- disciple James is beheaded in Jerusalem and the disciples have no choice but to scatter. The word spreads with them, far and wide - Peter reaches Rome, Matthew and Thomas further still, but are all killed for their courage. Only their written word survives. But one last miracle remains -- disciple John survives death and is instead exiled to solitary confinement on Patmos where he receives a revelation of hope -- Jesus is coming back. And all who have the courage to keep the faith will be rewarded.
9:00 PM March 31, 2013 - 10:00 PM March 31, 2013
Peter finally understands Jesus' message, and his faith is rewarded- Jesus returns from death, commissioning the disciples to 'go and preach to all creation'. Days later, in Jerusalem during Pentecost and with wavering faith, the disciples pray fervently and the Holy Spirit empowers them. Their godly mission begins, but it will entail a constant battle of hatred and violence from non-believers. When new follower Stephen speaks out against Paul of Tarsus he is stoned to death. Paul, whose belief in Jewish law has led him to despise the teachings of Jesus, is enlisted by Caiaphas to remove this new group. He starts beating them into silence. But on a journey to Damascus where he believes they have gone, he is met by a vision: he sees Jesus, and is instantly blinded. In an extraordinary change of faith, Paul is baptized and begins to preach passionately about what he has received - love and forgiveness for all. He meets a young Greek called Luke, and between them they go on to write most of the New Testament. But persecution still persists-- disciple James is beheaded in Jerusalem and the disciples have no choice but to scatter. The word spreads with them, far and wide - Peter reaches Rome, Matthew and Thomas further still, but are all killed for their courage. Only their written word survives. But one last miracle remains -- disciple John survives death and is instead exiled to solitary confinement on Patmos where he receives a revelation of hope -- Jesus is coming back. And all who have the courage to keep the faith will be rewarded.
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